[AH:OAF v0.1.6e] Update Details / WALKTHROUGH / Release Date


We have a lot to cover with the release of this update.


Here is the update, I hope you'll like it. It sets down the tone for how the format of the game will be moving forward. A lot of love has been poured into it. It took some sweat & tears^^

What's been added:

1. Full week system:

I’ve expanded the in-game week from just Monday-Wednesday to a full Monday through Sunday cycle! To help you keep track, there’s a handy day indicator in the top left corner of the screen. Depending on the day, characters will be in different places, adding some variety. For now, their schedules repeat each week so you can get familiar with how it all works.

You can find them here:


Here is the legend to know who's who:

2. Animated Character Sprites: 

I’ve added a whopping 32 animated sprites to the game, 4 for each character! On top of that, the in-game character sprites got a huge upgrade with super detailed 4096x4096 texture atlases for every single one. And if that wasn’t enough, I’ve cranked up the framerate from 24fps to a buttery smooth 60fps. It’s looking better than ever!

Here is an exemple of the Emotional Animated Character Sprites that have been added:

  -  -   - 

Let me know if you think they need any adjustments!

3. Clothing Variations: 

For now, only Mia & Emi have 2 different clothing outfits depending on their locations. They both have Casual & Bikini/Swimwear clothes.

Takahashi's work uniform also changed:

 from  to .

4. Story Cutscene:

One of the most requested features (and yeah, it was definitely missing) is finally here! The game's narrative officially kicks off in this update with a brand new cutscene that plays the first time you head to the beach. I won’t spoil anything, just go check it out and see what this mysterious moment brings to the table!

5. Takahashi's Thrift Store Marketplace:

When going deeper in Takahashi's Thrift Store you'll be prompted with the option to "Browse Shop" on the top right of your screen.

Clicking the "Browse Shop" button will prompt you with 4 different mags to browse, each covering a category of clothing items.

For now only the "Swimwear & Bikinis" mag is browsable, the goal is to demonstrate how buying clothing items for the girls will be.

(You should either hold down with your finger (android) or leave your mouse hovering (pc) over the items images to have different point of views) 

6. Money & Work:

You can now pick up a daily shift at Takahashi's Thrift Store to make some quick cash! Also, the card game images are getting a refresh in the next update. Oh, and keep an eye on the top right of your screen as whenever you're in a spot where you can spend money, you'll see a money indicator pop up!

Here's what the money indicator looks like:

7. Interacting & Affection Meter:

Clicking on a character will now prompt you with 3 different options: Talk, Interact, Leave.

- Talk: Depending on the day, small-talk will vary. You can also learn a thing or two selecting this option.

- Interact: This option lets you do different actions with the girls, depending on who you're interacting with. You'll also see an animated Affection Meter pop up on the right side of your screen, it aims to help you keep track of your relationship progress and lets you know if certain actions are available or not!

Different Affection Meter examples:

Affection Level = 0:

Affection Level = 2:


Affection Level = 5:

- Leave: Takes you out of the interaction menu of a character allowing you to go on your way.

8. Quests

The quest system is designed to be shaped by player choices. Tasks can be undertaken based on direct requests from characters or completed independently. Each action influences relationships, earning affection points with characters and unlocking additional scenes.

- Starting a Quest: Quest options appear during character interactions, but only if the required conditions have been met. If the criteria(s) are not satisfied, the option will not be available. This system ensures that interactions feel natural and progress-driven.

9. Purchasing Items (Gifts or Quest-Related)

To acquire specific items, players must earn money by working at Takahashi’s Thrift Shop.

- Ordering/Buying Items: Some items can be bought by browsing Tak's Shop and others will have to be requested directly to Takahashi herself, but there will be a waiting period between placing an order and receiving it. She is available in her office only on Mondays and Fridays, meaning an order placed on Monday will not be available until Friday. Additionally, certain interactions may influence item availability.

- Finding Items: Some items can be discovered throughout the game world and collected directly.

10. Affection-Based Dialogues & Scenes

Character interactions are influenced by affection levels. Lower affection results in colder, more distant conversations, whereas higher affection leads to more engaging and meaningful interactions. As relationships develop, additional quests, exclusive scenes, favors, and intimate moments become available.

11. Walkthrough of [v0.1.6e]:

Completing the [QUEST] - Beach Trip & [QUEST] - Tak Needs a Roof:

1. Find and interact with Olivia:

2. Start the quest:

3. Head to Tak's Store, browse her shop items and click on the last remaining clothing item (what an odd coincidence):

This will trigger an interaction with Tak.

Items related to QUESTS will be highlighted by yellow borders.

4. Return to Olivia and ask if Tak could be welcomed under her roof: Makes you settle for a date at which Tak could join you all in this house.

5. Seek Takahashi and bring her the good news!: This will allow you to unlock the Heirloom One-Piece Swimsuit. Ending the [QUEST] - Tak Needs a Roof and increasing Takahashi's affection by +1!

6. Find and interact with Olivia to give her--her new swimsuit: Ending the [QUEST] - Beach Trip and increasing Olivia's affection by +1!

12. [v0.1.6e] - Max. Affection Stats/Progression:

In [v0.1.6e]:

- Affection points can only go up by +1 for Olivia & Takahashi, unlocking the "Tease" option in their respective Interact menus.

- Only 2 quests available.

- Takahashi does not move-in on Saturday even after completing the quest. You can't plan a trip to the beach with Olivia even after completing the quest. [Both will be implemented in v0.1.6f]

13. Planned Features & Improvements:

- Hotfix: [v0.1.6e.A] will be released in the upcoming days to fix issues that have been brought to my attention such as crashes, Syntax Errors, processing tags & more

Gallery: A dedicated gallery option will allow players to replay any previously unlocked or viewed scenes.

- Expanded Quest System: Additional quests will be introduced to ensure all Interact options for the characters are unlockable (progressive).

Quest Variation & Difficulty: Future updates will diversify quests beyond the standard "fetch and return to.." format, incorporating varied challenges and mechanics.

UI Enhancements: Improvements will include a quest tracker displaying active quests along with progression hints.

Toggleable Voice-Overs: Players will have the option to enable or disable voice-over features based on preference.

Storyline Expansion: Additional content will be added to further advance the game's narrative.

When is this going live?

Already live for Patrons / 18th of March at 23:00 UTC+1 for the public

The names of the legendary divine-beings who make this project happen & exist:

I might have forgotten quite a few things also, I am navigating through a rough personal situation at the moment so just know that this devlog might be subject to change with the addition of features, details, etc.., that weren't mentioned at the time of posting this.

From the bottom of my heart. Thank you for reading this!


See you soon.

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may i ask how many animation or just these 2 ?


how can i level up love?

Plaese refer to the 11. Walkthrough of [v0.1.6e]: section of this devlog!

how many quests is there or still 1 ?

2 (Tak's & Olivia's)

alguien mas le sale un aviso de Windows en su pc al abrir el juego


only you I guess..??