[AH:OAF v0.1.2] Updates Release Schedule

Dear waifu enjoyers,

I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to take a moment to share some important updates with you. First and foremost, I appreciate your patience and understanding as we've navigated through this journey. I know the wait has been long, but I assure you, it has been just as challenging for me.

I'm excited to announce that I have made a significant life change: I have resigned from my job to dedicate myself fully to this project. This decision allows me to immerse myself completely in developing and enhancing the game we all love.

Starting now, I commit to releasing a game update at the beginning of every month. These updates will be available immediately to our Patrons and will become accessible to everyone else throughout the month.

Balancing personal life, professional obligations, and this passion project has required immense effort, but I am thrilled about the progress we've made. Additionally, I have revamped our game's itch.io page to reflect the latest developments and give it a fresh, cohesive look.

This marks a new beginning for me and for our project. I am deeply grateful for your continued support and patience. Thank you for being part of this journey with me.

Take care and stay well, no matter where you are in the world.

Best regards,


Get Amidst Hearts: One Amongst Five


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Very Nice Games to be playing 😎 my friend I give 1999999 Million

EHE what an insane rating! Thank you tho it goes straight to my heart

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey, man! First of all, I'm happy about the news! It's good to seecommitted devs. :D Second of all, I suggest you change the text color on your posts (this one and the game page) since it's almost impossible to see  and I had to higlight it to see it. Keep it up, friend!

Everything shoul be changed now! So weird that the text was okay for me but not readable for all of you.. Well, see you really soon and thank you for the kind words!